Porte À Bormes-Les-Mimosas

Title: Porte À Bormes-Les-Mimosas
Created: April 2021
Dimensions: 12×16 inches
Medium: Oils on canvas
Original: Available on request
Print: Available HERE

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This is my memory of a lovely town in the south of France called Bormes-Les-Mimosas I visited a while ago. It’s famous for the yellow mimosa flowers that grow in abundance in and around this beautiful town. While walking along the small cobbled streets I came across a light blue door with a wonderful arrangement of flowers along the side of it. This is such a typical Mediterranean scene that I had to commit it to canvas.

There were two types of shadow playing on the wall and door at that time of day. One long light shadow going diagonally and a deeper one from direct sun at the top. Mix this in with the rough peach wall and the small magenta flowers and I feel the warm sun again. The flowers were made using my screwdriver and the lines in the door with my son’s school ruler. I normally add three birds to my landscape paintings but with the lack of sky I has to choose another strategy. Now the birds are three cracks on the wall. Can you see them?