My Island, Our Planet

I was asked recently what painting I was working on. I responded that it was a from a photograph.
“A straight copy?”
“Yes although I’m changing the sky.”
“What are you putting in it’s place?”
“I’ll be showing the moon in greater detail and keeping the lines of the clouds clean and changing the colour of the sunset.”
“So not the same sky.”
“No. And I’m changing the sea and I’m changing the island.”
“Not the same sky, not the same sea and not the same island.”
“That’s right.”
“So I could have given you three words and we’d get the same idea.”

On first look this is an island sunset seascape. On second look the clouds are coming from the top of the mountain. On third look the sunset is not a pure gradient of colours. On the next look is the sea reflecting the clouds or is there something building up on the surface?
Originally I made the clouds follow simple lines through the sky but after much subconscious pushing I broke up the straight lines in favour of a more natural impressionist look.Now I’m mixing up my styles. Whatever next?

My Island, Our Planet – Oils on canvas 12×16 inch.


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