The Architect/Work-Life Balance

My life is about managing a fine balance between working and living and this painting attempts to address that.
Firstly, this represents business solutions I design in my day (and once in a while: evening) job. The aim is to give the customer what they want and balance that with our internal teams need to provide robust supportable billable global services. The shapes, colours, and lines work in harmony and are defined as accurately as possible with echos of other customers experiences blended in. This is dedicated to the people who recognise and are part of this ongoing cycle.
Secondly, this represents the two sides of my life and can be viewed in either portrait direction. It’s interesting how different the painting looks viewed when you turn it the other way. One end is business the other is personal life. Like many of us, this is not a well-defined split and they can seep between each other. Each end has opposing light sources and colours chosen by my family to show how much my life depends on us being a joined-up unit. Outside the unit are life experience and our ability to fit into it.

Read more about it in my blog HERE.

The Architect/Work-Life Balance – Oils on canvas 60×90 cm.

Available (drying Oct-2020)

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