La Plage sur La Terrière en été

La Plage sur La Terrière en été
Completed: January 2023
Dimensions: 71 x 91cm (including frame)
Medium: Oils on canvas
Status: Contact me for delivery

Back to one of my most beloved subjects. This is a big canvas for me but such a rewarding project. During the summer of 2022 I was back on the French coast enjoying the weather and the rest while making the most of my time either on the beach, walking or painting. In the two weeks there I managed to paint three pieces of which I’ve already shared two.

I found this scene very peaceful as waves broke onto the beach, but I noticed much more happening. There are two overlapping wave formations in the middle: one coming in on the left and one receding on the right. With the way the reflections played you can either see the sand underneath the water or reflections of the sky including purple hues on the top. Next was the wet sand that’s left behind when a wave recedes leaving darker sand and light reflections on the top.

Finally, I found the cloud formations working together with the shapes of the waves even though there is a horizon dividing the two. Quiet, peaceful and relaxing. Something to look forward to this summer so I can share that with you too.