Island Memories Of Summer

During our summer holiday, we walked around the Isle Of Cumbrae in the west of Scotland. Once inside the town of Millport we were treated to the waterfront properties and the bay that they surround. On that day in between the rain showers, we saw the blue sky, rising clouds and a scene out of a holiday postcard.

My son knew that he was in the painting but asked me why there are only two people. I’m the one looking into the scene, happy to be out of the house and enjoying our time on the island during the summer.

We had to say goodbye to our little dog last year so this is also a tribute to her (in the painting next) as she would have loved it.

Title: Island Memories Of Summer
Created: January 2021
Dimensions: 20×24 inches
Medium: Oils on canvas
Original: Available on request
Prints: Available HERE