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Lets try that again

As many of you know letting people know about your art work and creative processes requires dedication to selected social and internet based services. My chosen social media networks are Facebook and Instagram but I need to also keep my portfolio up to date in my web site.

Although I’ve found the web site building process creative in its own right I approached it in a very customised way which lead me on a path of high maintenance. I had three choices.

  1. Use a web site builder and hosting service (e.g Wix, Squarespace, etc).
  2. Utilise an online art shop.
  3. Buy a domain and just build it myself in WordPress.

I chose the latter as I’m still bought into web site development (I’m a techie) but wanted to leave space for exploring payment and inventory in the future. So here I am. A newly designed web site, an easier way to add paintings into my portfolio including extra photos of my work and another set of challenges…

– Manesh

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